
roll out

in honor of our cousins who are moving to the greatest city on earth this week [cough cough...nyc] from london, england, i decided i needed to post something "british". this past summer i went to london for my first time and i enjoyed every part of it... except for the food. but one of my favorite things about london were the bridges along the thames river. i loved taking a boat tour down the river and passing all the different styles of bridges. it was like going through an architecture time machine! so when i found the rolling bridge in london by heatherwick studio [you're missing out if you don't see what other wonders this studio has done] i had to share!

how awesome is this pedestrian bridge?! heatherwick was commissioned to design a pedestrian bridge to....long story short-get people across the grand union canal at paddington basin in london and allow the bridge to open up to allow access for boats. sounds simple, right? wrong! the bridge opens slow and smoothly into a circular sculpture that sits on the bank of the canal. it rolls out every friday at noon. if you want to watch the awesomeness click here


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