

..do these spaces have in common? i like think they're fabulouso!

this is my kind of formal living area.

cozy cozy! i could use some of that right now.

can anybody guess who these men are? anyone...? that's why i love this image, the art caught me off guard.

i don't know if i could ever do colored cabinets...but these look so scrumptious!

i like this shot because it's unexpected to me.

i have always loved this photo! great wallpaper kelly!

extremely simple, but i love it.

glam by william t. i think i'm drawn to the rug.

i LOVE this...i feel like i could get creative in there!

i'll take that headboard please!

the green chairs.....

i've always wanted to get chic and sit in this room with a shirley temple!

a colorful meal needs to be served in this room. i heart the set up!

mr. b... i want to relax in here!

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