

the first time i saw this room i ripped it right out of the magazine and taped it to my wall at my desk during college. it was up for a loong time, it was my daily inspiration! this home has what i like to call sophisticated funk. and i having a funky style myself fell in love with this project and many others done by the talented mr. william t. georgis.

his interiors are very...what's the word? sexy!

if you know me and my designs you should know what my favorite part of this room is? anyone want to guess?

i wish i could get a close up of the art. i wonder if that was at one time someones pet?

so lovely, i do wish the "e" would light up.

there is not one thing i don't love about this shot! yummmy yummy!

a shiny bed and leopard carpet...oh my!

the back of the town home! that is in nyc, can you believe it? what a dream...

i remember going into william t's room at the 2009 kips bay and getting warm fuzzy feelings because i was in an actual william t georgis room! yes-i am that nerdy when it comes to design, but i can't help it, i love design too much! i have been lucky so far to have met some of my favorite designers, i have yet to meet mr. w.t.g. if i ever do i'll be sure to let him know how much i love his e. 72 town home project. take a look at the other pretties he has on his site.


  1. Ellen...girl you know it! I think that might make me sound like I love hunting and all that but I don't. So it's weird-why do I like it?!

  2. This is awesome Morg! You should post more interiors to your blog! :)

  3. Will do Patrice... just for you!

  4. Not usually a huge fan of black and red together but he does it well. EXCEPT for that shinny bed and leopard carpet- gross!!

    Everything else looks great!


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