
introducing...wanting wednesday!

if you know me at all...you know i am terribly random.

my own driver...i'm getting really tired of my tokyo style morning commute where my face is shoved into a stranger's armpit.

this notepad table to doodle on.
it says it all...
adorable and delicious sprinkle milk shots.

to pick her brain.

a hot sunny day so i could jump in this amazing above ground pool.
this rainbow in your hand book.
color coded bookshelf! i sadly like books for their covers...

this parisian's outfit minus her cig...
arik levy's delious rock tables... i've been obsessed since my junior year of college. and i could take those antlers, you know me.
hinge tape.
so. awesome.
oh--and this little girl here as my future daugher! you are missing out if you don't watch.

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