
hotel lust: yas hotel

located in... abu dhabi (of course).
500 rooms.
over 85,000 square meters.
designed by new york based architectural firm asymptote architecture.
two twelve story hotel towers connected by a glass bridge.
color changing led's linked to video feeds that play over the whole entire building.
rooftop pools.
eight international restaurants.
luxury spa.
whew--what a hotel...and i forgot to mention yas hotel won best hotel 2011 design award from travel + leisure!
are you drooling over this abu dhabi gem or do you prefer a ho jo?


  1. It looks like the Jetsons!

    Actually, I saw the Jetsons at the airport today whilst waiting for a flight (I know, not CNN, the Jetsons. That's what I get for flying Southwest), and I was thinking that you would like a lot of their furniture! Maybe cartoonists have an eye for design???

  2. Have you seen the Extreme Engineering show they filmed while building this hotel? It's amazing! Neil and I wanted to drive to Abu Dhabi while we were in Dubai but never made it. Guess the four of us will just have to go stay at the hotel one day!

  3. It's incredible...although, I can't help but feel like it would have the air conditioning blowing full blast all the time and be icy cold...maybe I'm just Canadian or something and cannot wrap my brain around a place that warm.

  4. Jess- I wanna see that and yes one day! Ginger...I totally see it being cold also--it is in Abu Dhabi thought, may be a good thing :)

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