
wanting wednesday-random wants!

i hope you enjoy today's randomness...

to fly on air new zealand to new zealand.

more sleep!!!!!

i need to be reminded...thanks alexandra ferguson.

a mirror with neon lighting text in the center...i wouldn't want lingerie though-

this wall graphic as a wallpaper...i spotted it while walking past the lacoste store in soho. in love!
this art i saw today.

this as a front door... the handle would blend right in.
this outfit...

to have taken photos in the fake pool at the moma ps1
i think i could run faster with these milli shoes that are packaged in a bullet shaped box.

i want a nest like this to take naps in...designed by merav eitan and gas-ton zahr.

rubix cube for the blind...i actually have 2010 vision but i just think this looks super duper.

floor plan light switch..brilliant or no? the switches are modified according to the floor plan of the room and operate accordingly. designed by-taewon hwang.

printer inside your monitor-talk about minimalism. designed by byeong min choe. read this if you want to learn more.

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