
nyc discoveries

holy moly- i walked into urban outfitters and found these amazing lamp cluster lights...i got in trouble for taking pictures. whoops!

this picture doesn't do the best job at showing off the coolness in these lights, dang you 3g camera! old lamps with orange extension cords wrapped around them. i want it! really..who thinks of this?? you might read this and think...ugh those are hideous! but that's why i love them...they are odd!!

discovered metaliferous today thanks to my friend kelly. i had major a.d.d. in there-so next time i go back i'll go in with a game plan and make something neat. got a cool brass indian chief charm for my necklace i am pretty happy about.

such a funky/awesome window display at louis v.

i found an old rug company ad, ripped it out and added painters tape to the sides. wa la, art above my toilet.

oh how i love buffalo exchange! i found this feathered clutch for under $10. i'll be the first to tell you i'm a bargain queen.


  1. Oh, you're one of those people who looks great *and* gets bargains??? You drive me crazy! My sister is that way as well, and it used to make me so frustrated. We'd both go shopping, and I'd spend twice as much as her and look like I'd bought everything at the Gap, whereas she'd actually have a look. Sigh. Good thing I'm getting closer to the wearing purple stage. :)

  2. *gasp* I had serious designs on metaliferous last time I was in the city. I got as far as across the street, but I was with some of my UN trainees and they wanted to go elsewhere and I was too Canadian to refuse. Next time for sure. In fact, when next I'm in town we should arrange a 'meet and shop'. And we should make Patrice come too.

  3. Leah- my mom taught me well! I won a bartering war with jew over fabric the other day...I was pretty happy about that!

    Ginger- I would love a 'meet and shop' then we could blog about it :) You need to go to metaliferous, mad they're not open on Saturdays.


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