
creative camping

summer is pretty much here, woooohoo! i have missed the warm sun on my skin- i'll tell you the one thing i don't miss...all the gross smells that come with the heat in new york city...they are terrible!

i have a lot of fun trips planned for this summer and one thing i can't wait to do is go to my husband's family cabin in wyoming. the picture below represents cowboy country pretty well except this picture has an adorable trailer in it! i grew up with a mom who hated camping and with a father who dreamed of sleeping in the woods. maybe this little camper could have kept them together?? no, i don't think so. check out how cool this little camper is! it is styled/designed pretty well...tree wallpaper on the inside? ka-ute!

i miss the blue skies, green grass, and open space!

antlers on the inside- another adorable little detail.

black and white stripes - you know i love them!

isn't this extremely adorable? go check out out caravanolic to see more of there campers. creative + camping = an enjoyable outdoor experience (at least for me).

{images came from fitinhouse.com, notyouraverageordinary.com, housedesignreview.com, artofvisualcommunication.blogspot.com}

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