
fiona uk lighting designer

i'd like to introduce you to my new fabulous friend fiona (3 f's)...i met her my first day at icff - her beaming gold lights grabbed my attention right away! a very simple black booth showcasing her glammy gold custom lights was the perfect way to display her magical creations. "fiona gall is the artist-designer-creator of this alchemy, uses wire, tubing and sheet metals with reused glass and sparkling vintage diamante pieces, to create opulent chandeliers." she is the genius behind emerald faerie. i am super happy i met fiona, i love what she was showing at icff, very sexy, glam, edgy lighting. perfect for any rock star or glam queen!  

fiona sitting at her booth

she puts a lot of detail into her work

this one is my favorite

i can see lady gaga liking these

my favorite picture i took of her detail... i love how she places the jewels and chains inside plastic tubes

fiona made this...shoulder pad thinggy ma bob-wear that into a party and all eyes on you!

i met fiona at icff and ran into her at a party the following evening, we then spent one fun random night in the city at different icff parties - my favorite part of the night was running around the standard hotel with her. such a random but great night! it's hard not to love anyone with a british accent - but fiona is really one awesome creative bunny who has an eye for all things cool! check out her outfit?? she wears that jumpsuit while creating beauty.

fiona next time i'm in london i'm coming to visit you and your shop...and maybe one day i can order one of your pieces! thanks for the inspiration!

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