
walked into icff and who do i see?

mr...tom dixon!!! of course i had to go say hello and introduce myself, he has been a designer i have been wanting to meet - i told him i had done a blog on him a while back and he said "do another one" so here is my post on dixon studio at icff {their display won best booth at icff 2011} it was so exciting walking into the show and seeing all his pretty pieces...

"why hello tom" title of my previous tom dixon post

loving the gold and neon

getting a neon orange tom dixon bag was a big deal...it was like being at walmart at 4 am on black friday. they ran out the first day, nuts.

i walked away with a bag...pretty happy about it - i  love me some neon.

his booth was pretty sexy i must say.

so happy i got to meet you mr. dixon, so happy.


  1. Morgan: These are great shots from ICFF. I love the way you covered the fair - very close and personal.

  2. Great pictures Morgan!!!


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