
brooklyn flea first timer!

today i finally made it to the brooklyn flea market!! i even walked away with a weird purchase that i'm super excited about!

this little boy didn't seem so thrilled to be at the flea.

i made the trip out to brooklyn today with my fabulous gal pal dina! 

i meet a new artist who takes interesting photos with old polaroids 
(post on him to come soon)!!

i'm SO bummed i didn't pick up a large letter... i should of grabbed the 
large "y" or the small "m"
next time it will be mine!

BUT i did walk away with an orginal piece of art!! it's 3d! every time i walk past it it has something funky going on. i've shown it to three different people today and their recations
"it's weird"
"it's really freaking me out"
"i hate it"

well... i love it!! i guess i love the weirder things in life.

too bad the picture can't capture it's 3d magic...

the weather and company were perfect today! glad i finally made it out to the flea, next time i go i'll return with a large letter(s).


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