
made my heart melt monday!

it's monday so that means...i'm posting images that made my design heart melt!! 
i hope they make your heart happy too...

plastic can be so fantastic!

i love when exteriors show some personality!

i twirled too my first time on top of the rock... i love this city!!

funky gorgeous chairs

i need this sign // i heart a lot of things!

love this for a guest bed!

i HATE them too little one

stunning hallway!! 

i am so obsessed with this outfit!! looooove!!

this is true!!

images via (pinterestthedecorista and google)

i hope you had a fabulous start to your holiday week!! 

1 comment:

  1. poor, poor baby in the pigeons!! get him out of there! haha, fun pics Morgie!


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