
nike stadium new york

friday i spent my day sourcing and gathering inspiration for a new design project (wooho!)
it was a long day on the feet exploring the different neighborhoods and design districts in the city...i even made my way to jersey city to check out some killer rugs.

as i was heading down bowery i couldn't help but notice this awesome chalkboard store front...
so i walked right in and discovered it was one of six nike stadiums in the world.

"nike stadiums are new multi-purpose destinations in berlin, london, milan, new york, paris and tokyo. stages for inspired performers, labs for innovative expressions, spaces where stories are told and others are written." - nikestadiums.com

love the front of the store, looks like a coach went to work mapping out a play. matte black and chalkboard paint!

loved the large colored text graphic on the wall

i also loved the way they displayed the jackets

some more chalkboard paint 

the lighting layout

pegboard shoe display

i love the lighting and the industrial vibe

more pegboard and astro turf flooring

after chatting with one of the bowery employees i learned that the stadium's interiors change from time to time by different artists and designers. so i'm going to have to keep popping in the store to see what's new!

if you're in nyc and want to visit nike stadium it's located at 276 bowery.



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  2. congrats on the new design job! Love how chalkboard paint can make such a wicked shop x kat

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