
made my heart melt monday: black

nothing can replace black
i think i will forever be in love with the dark, bold, slimming, sexy color.

here are some of my favorite blackish images that are making my heart melt.

if you don't want to see it...cover your eyes!
i love this quirky image with the black x's.
image via

i am loving this little black book animated gif...
will he ever close the book? no, it's too good!
image via

carola remer by photographer kacper kasprzyk for 
bergdorf goodman fall 2011

all black (very moody) classic interior
image found via pinterest

i'm wanting to run through a forest...
image via

i am kinda obsessed with this image!!! 
gorgeous ey? image via inez van lamsweerde

this is what i call a dream outfit...
image via

 wish i could be in the mountains, wrapped in my mummy sleeping bag
 and stare at the moon. just a random wish.

happy monday - hope your week starts out wonderful

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