
finders keepers

i'm an extremely happy girl right now!
earlier today i went into my building's basement to throw away some trash and spotted
something so amazing...
a vintage knoll planter side table!!!

 i almost started doing the irish jig i was so excited!
i've found some pretty cool things down there that people were throwing out-
large frames, mirrors, cool lamps, books...but this tops the list.

i immediately brought the table back up to my place and gave it a good cleaning (it was covered in dust)
it now lives next to my bed and makes a perfect bedside table.
i am so happy i found a table i've dreamed about owning...and for free!!

this week as my hubby and i were walking to the miike snow concert
i saw this adorable little chair sitting on the side of the road, i immediately looked at
my husband and said " i want it" problem was we were headed to a concert and there was no way
we could bring a chair inside. so i could only hope it would still be there after the concert and...it was!
my sweet hubby carried the chair the whole way home! as soon as i find some free time 
this chair is getting a make over (i love a good DIY project)!

i have good plans for this little chair...

the best part about finding these items are the stories they'll always have with them!
your trash is my treasure.

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