
some friday interior inspiration

today my hubby and i both have the day off! hip hip hooray!!
so of course he's still fast asleep and i'm awake blogging because the construction outside side my apartment sounded like t-rex. once i'm up, i'm up.

so i thought i would share some interiors that i find inspiring.
sit back relax and get inspired!

i really love this idea of painting the lower half of the
room, doors and all! it gives the space some drama without being too crazy!
you don't see this look everyday...that's why i like it so much.
image via

there is something about the styling in this bedroom i find inspiring,
it may be the hot pink tape over the hanging picture frame? or it could be the hot pink
doll on the floor...i don't know? i just like this room!
image via

if i was designing a bedroom for a guy- i hope i
would come up with something like this. i think this 
bedroom is bomb.com!
image via

i have a major design crush on brazilian designer
guilherme torres. he doesn't just decorates he creates and those are
my favorite kind of designers...those who don't follow 
"design rules"
or follow design trends. those designers who really have a style of their own...i find them extremely inspiring.
 p.s. this detail shot of one of guilherme's interiors is pretty fantastic.
i love the painted wall graphic and the styling.

speaking of designers who create- doug meyer (my boss)
i love listening and learning from him. that back drop with the sea shells...he made it.
that backdrop with the purple tiled squares...he made it. that rug...her made it!
i love this room because all the detail he put into it!! plus the color is fabuloso!

happy friday loves!


  1. In response to the second picture --> or the hot pink stripper pole...just kidding :)

    Have a great Easter weekend!

  2. Hmmm now that you mention it...what is that pole for?!
    Happy Easter weekend to you too!
    XO -mo


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