
new york design hunting magazine summer 2012

i'm very excited my bosses work (doug and gene meyer) 
is in the new fabulous design magazine 
"new york design hunting"
their new york design project turned out beyond amazing!!!
full of color, custom furniture, art, and amazing rugs!
check out their six page spread in the new magazine...

the new
new york design hunting magazine cover there are 3 dif colored covers out there
which one will you get?!

sneak peek of the fabulous green bedroom! i loved all the graphics in the design hunting magazine
(especially all the color)

the most amazing garage ever!!!! check out that beautiful garage
art install done by doug meyer. genius

love this monochromatic blue bedroom!! plexi glass walls
and custom furniture.

this bold green and orange bedroom is seriously striking
every time i see this space my heart melts! love the custom headboard designed by the
two brothers.
the sexy kitchen
how fabulous is that doug and gene meyer rug?!
you can see more of their rugs here
love the purple and red color combo

so thrilled this magazine out!
it is already is my new favorite.
it features a great mix of design styles and vendors.
didn't get bored once while checking out the first issue!
very excited for my bosses doug and gene meyer and my former boss ghislaine viñas
who also has a project in the issue (that i worked on while i was with her).
congrats to doug and gene, ghislaine and especially wendy goodman for a wonderful
new design magazine!


  1. Great layout! Where is this magazine available?...have not seen it anywhere yet.

  2. I love everything - I must get this magazine. Every time I read a post of yours I think back to your SIGG project as a sophomore -- color and fun.


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