
DIY: a cross stitch headboard

when i first moved into my apartment i knew i wanted a statement piece for a headboard...
i also knew i didn't want to spend much money on it either.
so i walked around home depot until i came up with an idea!

i soon found myself in the pegboard section, after noticing all the little holes i decided i wanted
to make a cross stitch headboard!

i walked around and found some neon hot pink mason string then picked up some cans of gold/bronze 
spray paint.

i purchased everything for under $25!!
brought all my materials home and this is what i came up with!

grab some pegboard and make your own cross stitch headboard!!
go try this d.i.y!


  1. This is so awesome! How long did it take you to make?

  2. Two nights of watching X-Factor! Thanks Tina :)

  3. What an awesome idea!! LOVE.

  4. That's pretty quick. I'll be enlisted your services soon :)

  5. Very clever. Probably one of the most original DIY ideas I've seen in a while. Not to mention the thread is pink...I am in the midst of a whirlwind romance with pink right now. Nicely done!

  6. Thanks Ginger! You should play with pegboard and thread! XO-mo

  7. Very nice article, I enjoyed reading your post, very nice share, I want to twit this to my followers. Thanks!. loose headboard


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