
friday freebie find: knoll saarinen executive armchair

 i'll be the first to say i have had some good luck lately finding some treasures in my 
building's basement trash!!
i swear every time i go down there i find something great!
i've found...
 -awesome vintage lamps
-3 large stainless steel frames
-a knoll planter side table
and recently i feel like i hit the jackpot after i found a
-knoll saarinen executive armchair!!!
this chair can range from $1,300 and up!
so for all you design and furniture lovers out there you know this is a sweet find.

the reason i titled this post "friday freebie find" is because all these items were found on a friday 
(except the side table, it was on a saturday...close enough though)
isn't that a little odd?? 

i found the armchair the night before i left to belize. i went downstairs to do laundry and my jaw dropped
when i saw the chair next to the trash. i quickly grabbed it and brought it back up to my place!!
i was extra excited because i had an entire bolt of kvadrat fabric stored under my bed that i had gotten for FREE and on a FRIDAY! i kid you not.  if there's one thing you need to know about me it's that i am
 a-may-zing at finding killer deals and free finds!

i have a great upholsterer located in the lower east side!
i've used estilo upholstery on my current clients and they were quick and did excellent work.
so when i found this chair and had fabric waiting to be used i knew i'd take it all to estilo!

here is the before pic of the chair...
it wasn't in the best shape... the legs were dirty, the vinyl had multiple rips and
the cushioning inside was old. it was a vintage find after all...

and check out the after!
 estilo upholstery did an amazing job!!!
i dropped the chair off this past monday and got the call on wednesday that they were finished!
that's crazy fast!! three days...works perfect for me! i love the purple/pinkish color of the fabric, it gives the old chair a happy new look. if you notice in the picture above they really cleaned the legs up and brought that chair to life with new cushioning.

smitten with my new chair!

yesterday felt like christmas bringing my new chair home!
this was one heck of a find and i hope my friday freebie finds continues...

your trash is my treasure

happy friday loves...


  1. Love the color and shape of this chair! Great find:)

  2. Wow...beautiful end result! Where will you put it? Btw, love your skirt and shoes in these pics :)


  3. Awesome! Your basement is a gold mine. Well, when combined with your amazing creativity :)

  4. Courtney Deyle6/17/12, 2:12 AM

    Yep. LOVE IT!!! I'm super jealous of your Friday finds! Can't wait to see what's next :)

  5. You really do have the best luck! Great job with the reupholstery. Color looks awesome.

  6. I love finding other people junk turning it into my work of art too, this is so pretty

  7. I love finding other people junk turning it into my work of art too, this is so pretty

  8. I'm in the process of copying your chair. I was quoted 2 weeks though.


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