
made my heart met monday: where children sleep

i feel like i am surrounded by babies!
i'm not complaining in anyway!! (keep them coming my way)
for you see...i love children! it may be because i am the oldest of four or it could be because i am an older cousin of like 60+ the main reason i think i love kids so much is because i am still very much a kid at heart. 

i have an obsession with adorable kid's bedroom, i have a board on interest titled "where children sleep" and today i wanted to share six bedrooms that are making my heart melt this monday!

there are so many cute factors in this room...
first off the little mister sitting on that mini chair is darling.
 the biggest heart melter is the wallpaper!! i think wallpaper is completely wonderful for a baby nursery especially if it's a pattern that can work well for both boy and girl like this one above.
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the bed and bedding above is so dreamy for a child,
looks like the bed is facing backwards and my guess is it for safer reasons??
loving the white walls with pops of color in the space.
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a colored door, moldings and window frames! love love love, i also really
like the spot for the grown ups to sit and read. plus the styling is fantastic!
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more wallpaper please! 
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i'll most likely end up with a space like this for my kid's room do to shortage of
space in new york city! i love the pop up wall that has the same matching pattern as the bedding.
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another great bedroom when you're short on space!
again i love the white walls and floor mixed with color throughout the space.
drawers under the bed are always great for a kid's room!
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i love a kid's room that makes my heart melt!
happy monday loves...

1 comment:

  1. The backwards bed is so romantic. I might need one for myself...although I think I'll flip it around the right way. I also love the manhattan-approved baby boudoir. I could have used a corner like that when I was living in a two bedroom apartment in Harlem with five other girls. :)


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