
made my heart melt monday: july 16

can you forgive me for being a slacker this past week?
i'm home in utah and when i'm here visiting my family i go into my try to avoid the computer
and play mode...you can understand that right?
so far i'm loving this trip home! i've been outdoorsy and i've caught up with the people in my life who i love and adore!!
i also have some images to share today that are making my heart melt!!

for some random reason i've been seeing a lot of danny and sandy lately,
but this image of the two has to be my favorite!! 
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loving this peekaboo of pink! kinda obsessing over this image here!
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am i slightly crazy for thinking this gold eye mask will help me sleep better at night??
the ultimate item for getting beauty sleep!
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so much color at the beach! 
wishing i could grab a flatly or two and head to the beach asap!!
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i want this "hate" platter from karen ryan
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possibly my new favorite image...currently my lock screen image on my iphone
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this image is just awesome!!!
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i went on the most gorgeous hike the other day...
can you see why utah makes my heart melt?

happy monday readers...
forgive my absence!

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