
my projects with color duct tape

i love working with colored duct tape, when i'm working on a tight budget it is my go to cheap trick!!
i also really love the pop of color it brings into a space.
check out two of my projects below where i've used some colored tape...

this image here is from my apartment. i found three fugly looking brown bamboo sticks
in my old building's trash (shocker, i know) i loved them for their shape BUT hated them for their color.
so i brought them home and covered them with hot pink tape! it gives my space a splash of color and you can never go wrong with that!

when i was designing this chelsea apartment the budget was tight which
meant we didn't have money left over to get yellow fabric cord...so i covered the
white cheap cord with yellow duct tape! wa-la we got the same yellow look for half the price we would of spent on the fabric cord. 

try using some colored tape in your own space,
you'll be surprised at what you can cover up!
happy hump day!


  1. Very clever! I see super cute tape all the time now. I always try to think of an excuse to buy some but I never would have thought of this. Awesome:)

  2. how do i become a client? i would pay you bookoo to redo my entire house.
    swooning over this duct tape look.
    swooning even more over your clever mind.
    you got it goin' on for sure.

  3. Ah thanks for your kind comments girls!
    Try using it to cover up something ugly Erin!
    Ginger...I'd love for you to be a client, you are so sweet!


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