
#FFF (follow fabulous friday): solovely {decoration}

it's friday!! the best day of the week...
on friday's i want to play off the #ff on twitter 
(for those of you who don't know what ##ff it means follow friday)
on friday's i want to share with you a blogger or a pinner who i love to follow and hopefully
you'll love them too and want to follow them back!! (everyone can use more inspiration right?)

today i am excited to share with you one of my favorite blogs i follow

i can always find something fabulous on her site and i always leave inspired!
so i've posted a few fabulous interior images from her blog below...

can anyone else agree that this dining room is amazing??
i love the randomly pieced room that works so well together. that lime green chair mixed
with that light is killing me it's so good!

if you don't know by now i have a thing for monochromatic rooms.
this marigold bathroom is perfection in my monochromatic book!

this interior image has such beautiful coloring, i love that art!

what a funky way to dress up a small space. so much personality in this

loving this eclectic mix...i could get cozy in here!!
(all images via solovelydecoration)

it's hard not to love her blog!
and follow her pinterest boards: http://pinterest.com/sophiegaga/

(if you have any blogs or pinterest accounts i should be following or post about 
please let me know! you can email them to me at morgan@designmyheartout.com)

happy friday loves!!


  1. Love your #ff blogger idea! Thanks for sharing this blog, Mo!


  2. Thanks! I'm glad you like it Cathy!! Check back for more XO!

  3. Really awesome idea! I'm going I love Fridays even more now!

  4. ////
    Thanks a lot Morgan!What a nice surprise!
    I'm very honoured to featured on your blog!
    Je te souhaite un bon week-end ,
    à bientôt!

  5. So glad you guys like the idea!! Why not promote what you love right??

  6. Very inspiring photos!! Thanks for sharing her blog!



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