
bad blogger

hello readers...
this post is a "i'm sorry i've been a bad blogger" kinda post.
i lost my blogging mojo at the beginning of september! i had just quit my job and took off for a week in dubai. after the dubai trip it was a non stop crazy week with hey,hey!gorgeous. at new york fashion week (shame on me for not even putting up all those great pictures from nyfw). immediately following fashion week i took off for chile for ten days!! literally two days after getting home i started my yosi samra project which has kept me extremely busy and i am loving every minute of it.
i know being busy isn't an excuse i have just been so distracted i've been neglecting my blog.
i plan on jumping back in asap!
hope you still love design my heart out even though it's been hibernating a bit lately.
know that i still love you!


I love you for commenting