
how you doin?

i started my day off early, but not as early as matt. he had two media appearances all before 10:30 am, one for the early show and the other for the today show where i met up with him and laura. it was interesting waiting for him in the green room getting a little taste of what goes on behind the scenes.  

here is his early show clip (topic: marriage and...sex) and

here (4th row down) is the today show clip (topic: can women and men be friends?)

after a busy morning it was back to the office to get designing (posts to come later on what we're creating). a lot of caffeine was needed to get us through the day! 

another early morning tomorrow because my cousin jessica and i are going to the miss wendy williams show!! how you doin?? 

finally, a night i have been looking forward to all year... fno!! (fashion night out) the city throws one big party in celebration of fashion! count me in por favor!
the problema is trying to plan your night to make it to all the fun events on your list - the big issue will be rain! blah, so tired of it. it ruins everything ("except crops", said my hubby), especially when you're looking forward to a fashionable night out on the town.

marc jacobs party, dash/dj pauly d party, foster the people at lacoste...
it is going to be a good night rain or shine!

some fun is definitely needed after a weekend of moving!
off to bed.

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