
new apartment inspiration

sorry for no posts lately... but i'm brewing up a good one!
i recently moved out of studio into a bigger studio (not so new... 90 years old!) so i'm doing my best to vamp on the place and put some 'morgan' into it. 

 here are some ideas i've been playing with.
i'm thinking about orange paint, we've spent the last year with blue walls. orange is just sounding swell right now.

i love the orange paint over the wood walls.  definitely think i'll bring in some soft faux fur!

one thing i will be doing is keeping most the walls white and painting the doors and door frame like in the image above... orange doors?

but wait... i am loving this color too!

i have one wall i need to paint and i'm debating on these two colors... let me know what you think? i love them both!

stay tuned


  1. You're so brave with your colors Morgan! I like the bottom of the two greens/aquas. Once you're settled in, come over and play!

  2. LOVE the orange!! and teal is one of my all time favs! good luck!! where did you move too?

  3. Thanks! I love color- I was going to keep the walls white but it is toooo hard for me! Yes, we need to get together because my friend just moved here and she has a little girl close in age to Heidi! Plus I need to see you guys.

  4. sorry the last comment was from me kim christiansen, i don't know why it is saying anonymous!! Im not some creeper!!

  5. Kim! I already painted a door orange and I love it! We moved up the street right by the subway on 30th (remember that stop I think you got off there to come to my place?)

  6. I really enjoy simply reading all of your weblogs. Simply wanted to inform you that you have people like me who appreciate your work.

  7. Such a lovely place to live!The orange paint is really beautiful!


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